How we determined the score of Water Flossers

Our team selected the most popular wallet-friendly water flossers to test them and rank them according to our chosen criteria.

Our testing criteria:

Simplicity of use – one of the main reasons people choose to get water flossers is how much more comfortable and simpler they are to use than regular dental floss. That’s why if the device controls are overly complicated, we rated them lower, and vice versa.

Accessories included – the more nozzles are included, the more versatile the use. Hence, a device that can offer more is rated higher.

Effect – the main reason for getting a water flosser is to get rid of particles and plaque more effectively than you could with a toothbrush or a regular dental floss. Water naturally can reach areas that other tools can’t. Hence, we evaluated each device on this list based on how well it performs its purpose.

Design features – naturally, a water flosser would be a larger device than, for example, an electric toothbrush. But preferably, a device should not take up too much space and be as compact as possible. We rated devices with innovative and space-saving designs higher than bulkier ones.

Price – it’s hard to find a water flosser that wouldn’t be high on the price range, but we still managed to select some reasonably-priced options. We also ranked more affordable devices higher and vice versa, taking into consideration how that price reflects overall value.

Shipping – devices with free shipping are rated higher than those that charge extra, especially if shipping costs make the device significantly more expensive.