
3 pressure levels
Whole-hand massage
Heating mode
30-day guarantee


Last but not least (at least in the market) is Breo electronic hand massager. It can offer four massage modes: default (relaxing), standard, powerful, and soft. There is a heating mode, too, with two intensity levels. Quite uniquely, Breo also offers multiple time options, allowing you to set automatic shut-down in 5, 10, and 15 minutes of use. It can be used to increase hand cream absorption, to recover from sports and work, or to relieve arthritis symptoms.


Breo is the bulkiest hand massager on our list, but it freely fits the whole hand. It is also uncomplicated to use, with just 5 buttons to click to select your preferred massage type and length. What could be an issue, though, is the longer-than-usual massage dots which, when the cuff inflates, can really dig into the palms. While it should by no means be painful, it might not be up to everyone’s taste. Considering that there are devices on our list with smaller points, Breo lost a few scores on that.


While in a broad market context Breo is great, its redeeming features on our list were only the simplicity of use and massage/heating modes. Design-wise it had to give way to more stylish, less bulky devices. It doesn’t help that this hand massager is not very cheap either, being, without a discount, the most expensive option. However, if you can get it with a discount, it’s not too bad, but still on a pricier end.